why hello there.

meg carlile here.

i am a lot of things. human. artist. poet. friend. thinker. lover.

this is a space i created for myself and the magic i put out into the world.

thank you for being here.

artist statement:

I create pieces of art inspired by the emotions I feel through my waking life experiences. I invite the viewer in through a variety of shapes, colors, ideas and language. Through trial and effort I deliver authentic perspective, allowing myself to release and process my human experience as I create. I assert myself into a safe space to become completely free of judgement, allowing curiosity to guide me. Delightful intrigue pulls the viewer in while I leave doors and windows unlocked for the viewer to figuratively walk through, imprinting them with a sense of wonder and fascination. 

As a painter, my designing process is inspired and intuitive. I work with intentional layering. I start with a vision in mind, impelled by a raw moment or emotion in my waking life. I let myself play and experiment using acrylic paints and pens; once the paint dries I use painters tape to keep the areas of the piece I find most enchanting or important intact. I then move forward by creating an intentional and structured layer, designing a calculated pattern. I switch back and forth between playful creation and artistic discipline, allowing the process to shape the original scene in mind while offering a dynamic balance between the two practices. 

As a poet and performer, Love and Joy are my counselors; they guide me to seek within, helping me digest the existential human pain until I am able to see beauty within it all. Writing poetry is an emotional labor I choose to endeavor; when we heal ourselves, we heal the rest of the world, too. I am determined to inspire humans by curating intimate moments designed to dissolve anxiety, and help people step into awareness. In collaboration with other performing artists I create mixed-medium performances using language, empathy and curiosity to cultivate a safe space for humans to simply exist inside, allowing the viewer to feel safe, loved and liberated. 


I am a self taught visual artist and poet. I am an Oklahoma native who grew up and graduated from Mustang Oklahoma. I was heavily influenced and involved with religious pursuits growing up. After high school I attended a gap year program for young adults through the evangelical church in Atlanta Georgia. While attending I experienced emotional, psychological and spiritual abuse. I moved back to Oklahoma in 2011, and for the last decade I have been healing and deconstructing the indoctrination of the evangelical church. My religious background and experience has tediously impacted the artist I am today. Creating art would be the first step into my journey of dismantling harmful belief systems. I will most likely be deconstructing these beliefs for the rest of my life, but I have decided to pursue love and joy in all things I do as long as I exist. Which for me means, I must be able to hold an abundance of gratitude for all things that enter and exit my life. My work is inspired by my internal well of emotions that I feel in depth. I have learned to not resent my pain when it surfaces, but rather to feed it honey. This is how I heal; I believe in sharing that honey with those around me, endless spoonfuls of it. Giving humans the perspective that if we root ourselves in love we will see a more bright eyed version of ourselves, resulting in a healthier future for those to come. 

I paint. I write. I speak. I dance. I sing. I laugh. I cry. 

I share joy. 

I love, I love, I love, I love, I love. 
